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The Latam Cardano Community to organize “Argentina Digital Nation,” a Web3 event in Buenos Aires

Updated: Jun 20

Evento ADN

The Latam Cardano Community is organizing an event that will showcase Argentina’s entrepreneurial leadership and resilient spirit and how these qualities, paired with the right opportunities and the use of technology, can boost innovation at a national and global level. 

Argentina Digital Nation (ADN) will be held in Puerto Madero’s Hotel Hilton on July 31st and will focus on Government, Education, Business, Finance, Culture, Society, and Innovation. The event will include panel discussions with keynote speakers from Argentina’s public and private sectors, as well as important figures from the blockchain industry abroad. Exclusive networking sessions will also be held, providing opportunities for professionals from various sectors to exchange ideas and form potential alliances. 

The event will center around three key concepts: Argentine DNA, freedom through technology, and innovation at a governmental level. Argentine DNA (or ADN in Spanish), is a reference to the country’s leaders and entrepreneurs, who have shown resilience, dedication, and creativity in the technological sector. 

Cardano believes that, by supporting these entrepreneurs with the right technology and support, they can drive innovation at a national and international scale. The event will discuss the second concept of freedom through technology by exploring how blockchain and its digital solutions are empowering people and businesses to achieve a greater level of freedom of association, commerce, and expression. Lastly, Argentina Digital Nation will focus on governmental innovation by analyzing and promoting technological advancements to improve the functioning of society and the creation of institutions that inspire confidence through their efficiency and transparency. Cardano believes that blockchain solutions within government can help overcome the global crisis of representation that currently exists by furthering freedom and democracy. 

Latam Cardano Community: Who Are We?

The Latam Cardano Community is an alliance and a decentralized organization whose mission is to inspire and empower individuals, organizations, initiatives, and interested governments in Latin America to collaborate in the expansion of Cardano adoption, by facilitating its impact on both a regional and global level. 

The community's goals include promoting education, inclusion, and active participation in decentralized governance through spaces for collaboration, financing, and events that address relevant topics within the Cardano ecosystem.

What to expect at Argentina Digital Nation

The event currently foresees the attendance of approximately 600 professionals from various sectors of the country and abroad, ensuring an intimate and exclusive environment for the exchange of ideas and the creation of strategic networks.

ADN is designed to attract key figures and opinion leaders in the fields of technology, politics and entrepreneurship, providing a unique platform for deep discussions and meaningful collaborations.

So far, the Latam Cardano Community has confirmed the participation of Charles Hoskinson, co-founder of Cardano and CEO of Input Output Global (IOG), who will also be delivering a keynote speech, given his leadership in the development of blockchain technologies and his vision for a decentralized future. ​In the following days, more speakers from Argentina’s public and private sectors will be confirmed, as well as renowned international guests.

The event will mainly target innovators and entrepreneurs who seek to explore opportunities and collaborations in the blockchain technology sector, as well as political leaders and governmental representatives who wish to implement blockchain-oriented solutions in the public sector. Similarly, ADN welcomes investors and actors from the traditional financial sector who are actively looking for new investment opportunities in emerging technologies, such as blockchain. 

If you are interested in attending the event from abroad, the Latam Cardano Community is actively organizing activities such as guided tours and related touristic events. Visitors will also have the option to reserve a room at the Hilton Hotel while staying in Buenos Aires, also arranged by the Community. Look out for further information coming out soon.

If you are interested in sponsoring this event, please send an email to:

Registration for the event will open in the next few days. You can sign up with your email below and be instantly notified when ticket sales become available.

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