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Yamfore & Metera Testnets, Ouroboros Genesis, Lace v.1.11 & More!

Hey Cardanians! Welcome aboard the Weekly Cardano Digest #22!!

Cardano Weekly News May 20th

We've filtered through all the noise to distill crucial updates into a breezy, 5-minute read. No need for you to sift through endless info — we've got you covered. Ready to delve into this week's top Cardano news? Let’s dive in. 

Here are the topics of the week:

  • Cardano DeFi Innovation: Yamfore's Testnet V2 Launch

  • Metera Protocol Launches Private Test Network!

  • Ouroboros Genesis: Advancements in Protocol Design

  • Lace v.1.11: Elevating NFTs, Search, and Security

  • Weekly Development Report IOG.

  • & More!


This week on Cardano...

Cardano DeFi Innovation: Yamfore's Testnet V2 Launch

Yamfore Testnet V2 Live

Yamfore is making strides in decentralized lending on the Cardano blockchain by introducing advanced solutions that enhance the DeFi space. Utilizing Cardano's efficient Aiken V2 smart contract language, Yamfore is approaching its mainnet debut with the launch of Testnet V2, reflecting its innovative approach to DeFi.

CBLP Token and Its Utilities

The CBLP token is integral to Yamfore's ecosystem, serving both utility and governance functions within the Yamfore DAO. Holders of CBLP tokens can use them for loan fees and governance, allowing participation in protocol decisions.

Testnet V2 Launch

Originally planned for late 2023, the launch of Yamfore Testnet V2 was rescheduled to ensure robust security and functionality. Successfully launched on May 15, 2024, this testnet phase will undergo a comprehensive security audit by Txpipe before the Fair Token Offering (FTO) and mainnet launch. Users can participate by setting their wallets to the Pre-Prod network and obtaining testnet ADA, with feedback provided via Yamfore’s Discord server.

A Pivotal Step in Advancing Cardano DeFi!

Yamfore is advancing Cardano’s DeFi sector with Testnet V2, which offers unique crypto-backed loans without margin calls, interest repayments, or fixed terms. This launch marks a significant step towards introducing a new decentralized lending protocol on the Cardano blockchain, underscoring Yamfore’s commitment to enhancing decentralized finance.


Metera Protocol Launches Private Test Network!

Metera Protocol Testnet

The Metera Protocol team has announced the launch of the Metera Protocol Private Test Network, marking a significant milestone in their development. Loyal followers and OG members have been granted exclusive access to test the network before it becomes available to the public.

The private testnet includes the two MTKs introduced last week: the Cardano Index and the DeFi Index, providing users with a comprehensive testing environment. Metera Tokenized Portfolio, or $MTK, is the name of a token created within the protocol, formed by a collection of underlying assets with proportions defined by a weighting function.

Access to the Metera Private Test-net is available to individuals with 5 or more Metera NFTs or an OG role on Discord. The private test network is now live and ready for testing.


Ouroboros Genesis: Advancements in Protocol Design

Ouroboros Genesis Cardano Updates

As Cardano progresses, the Ouroboros protocol undergoes strategic enhancements to adapt to the evolving demands of the blockchain landscape. With Ouroboros Genesis on the horizon, slated for release by Q3 2024, Cardano prepares for a new era of security and resilience. Building upon the success of Classic, BFT, and Praos, Genesis introduces innovative features to safeguard the network, particularly during node initialization and reintegration.

Key enhancements include ledger peers, lightweight checkpointing, and limits on eagerness and patience, designed to mitigate threats like long-range and eclipse attacks. By prioritizing security and reliability, Ouroboros Genesis reinforces Cardano's position as a leader in blockchain technology. As stakeholders anticipate the protocol's release, they can expect a stronger, more resilient foundation for Cardano's future growth and innovation.


Lace v.1.11: Elevating NFTs, Search, and Security

Lace v1.11 NFT and Trezor Model T

In its latest release, Lace places emphasis on security and user experience, introducing significant updates to enhance transaction safety and overall functionality. Building upon the groundwork laid in Lace 1.10, the team has focused on improving transaction clarity by implementing clearer distinctions between user addresses. This ensures users can make informed decisions when signing transactions, fostering a more secure and trustworthy environment.

Upgrades: Simplified Search, Custom Transactions, and Hardware Wallet Integration

Lace has streamlined its search tool to simplify the browsing experience, enabling users to quickly locate desired items such as NFTs or tokens. For users seeking technical control, Lace now supports custom API transactions via a local Cardano node and cardano-submit-api, providing greater flexibility and autonomy over transaction submissions. 

With the integration of Trezor Model T hardware wallet support, users can further enhance their security measures by viewing balances and signing transactions directly through the Lace interface.  These updates, along with bug fixes and refinements, underscore Lace's commitment to delivering a secure, intuitive, and enjoyable experience for all users.


Weekly Development Report IOG May 17th


Interesting Stories: 


A Message from Lucas 🎊

Hey everyone! What a week we had. I had a bunch of interesting meetings. Many of which will really set Cardano moving in Argentina ;). We are preparing for a Cardano event at a university in June, and a HUGE Blockchain conference with some Top notch speakers from the Argentinian Public sector ;) will let you know more when announced, but we will be covering the hole thing in the newsletter team. Hope you can make the trip down to Buenos Aires if you are interested (make sure to send me a DM on X if you are coming!)

On another note the Token Allies private test net is going well, had some fixes we had to make, but all feedback really help us make the platform run smoothly when we go to main net, so if you are interested I suggest you join HERE:

We also are having elections on Clarity so if you are holding DVC make sure you vote, this one is quite important for Token Allies future. Vote here !! 

Finally, a new reminder we are selling Cardano hoodies! Make sure you get yours!! We will be adding Payments in ADA soon!

-Lucas Macchiavelli

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